Our Christian Realities

The death and resurrection of Christ offers numerous profound realities to the believer. Failure to recognize and embrace these realities can result in a lack of awareness of the blessings that is already bestowed upon the believer.

God desires that all individuals understand Him and comprehend the abundant provisions He has made available to those in Christ. Acquiring this knowledge about God enables us to understand ourselves and empowers us to live in the fullness of our blessedness.

In this study, we examined our Christian Realities, exploring the abundant heritage that believers possess in Christ.

Our apologies as some of the audio below was recorded with poor quality. Despite our efforts to enhance the recordings, some parts may sound a little strange. Kindly persevere and listen to these messages. Thank you!

Our Christian Realities 01 - 2023.03.05

Our Christian Realities 02 - 2023.03.12

Our Christian Realities 03 - 2023.03.19

Our Christian Realities 04 - 2023.03.26

Our Christian Realities 05 - 2023.04.02

Our Christian Realities 06 - Our Redemption - 2023.04.16

Our Christian Realities 07 - Our Redemption - 2023.04.23

Our Christian Realities 08 - Our Righteousness - 2023.04.30

Our Christian Realities 09 - Our Righteousness - 2023.05.07

Our Christian Realities 10 - Our Authority In Jesus Name - 2023.05.14

Our Christian Realities 11 - Our New Creation - 2023.05.21

Our Christian Realities 12 - Our New Creation - 2023.05.28

Our Christian Realities 13 - Our New Creation - 2023.06.04